Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Written by Mommy:

Today (and for the last severals days) I have been watching videos from the Green Brothers.
John Green is an author and his brother Hank Green is an environmentalist, a musician and a writer.
Both these guys are wonderful, they are silly, and fun, and geeky and open, and thoughtful, and passionate, and inspiring. They call there fans nerdfighters (who are like freedom fighters only rather than focusing narrowly  on freedom they focus on um everything really. nerds are people who often don't fit in so well and tend to be overly passionate about the things they care about and they want to create a committee that is welcoming to everyone and works to fix things that are wrong in the world, including but not limited to lack of freedom.) And so John Green was explaining the (then current) problems that the publishing industry was facing and asking some tough questions for people to discuss on there forums about, if anything, should be done about it, and he did so with a sock puppet and a black Santa figurine (which feature symbolically in his book Paper Towns) and not long after that Hank has a conversation with a sock puppet and The Boy said "I saw a sock that talked." and it struck me as a, bizarrely, Robert Frost like phrase so we read some Frost poems and we talked about how he made the mundane into the major where at first he was talking about taking a walk but by the end of the poem you realize he is talking about making life choices and so The Girl then wrote the following poem.  (Sorry the picture is sideways Blogger is being silly)

I saw a sock
that sock could talk
the sock talks about John Green
Somethings he has seen
The sock will dance and sing
The sock wears string
It helps to stop world suck
don't forget to be awesome

 The Girl wrote first about the mundane, a sock puppet in youtube video. but then she moved it (albet a bit more literally and less metaphorically) into the major about trying to make the world a better place. I don't think its half bad. More on World Suck and not forgetting to be awesome later when we talk about the project we will be starting soon.

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