Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All I want for Christmas

The Christmas list of the Homegrown Girl as described:

"I want a Jedi glowly sword. I want the purple one. No I want the green one like Yoda... no the blue one like Obi Wan. No I want the purple one. But if My Brother tries to grab it from me it might get his hand cut off like Luke... so I should get two so he can have his own and not get hurt... so I should get a purple and a green one because he is small like Yoda... but he is a boy so he should have blue."

"I want a car that you drive with the little thing with buttons, that has a little man in it that is kind of like a drive but he don't really drive it I do with the buttons. And then when you crash it into a wall the man will pop out and shoot up into the air. But he wont get hurt because he will have a para shoot that will come out and save him so he wont die when he hits the ground, like the one Max has."

"I want some sushi, but not real sushi because that would get yucky if it was not eaten or put in the fridge and the fridge in my toy kitchen is not a real one and doesn't get cold so if we put real sushi in there it would get yucky and that is not good, so I want to get pretend sushi like the other pretend food I have in my kitchen."

All of this has been translated to appropriate REAL items on her amazon wishlist.


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